What is TNR? Trap Neuter Release was created to address the feral animal population around the world.
It involves trapping street animals, neutering them to end the breeding cycle, so no unwanted offspring are born. Then vaccinating them against diseases and releasing them back where they were rescued, or to a safer place. Often the ears are tipped, which means a tiny bit is snipped off to distinguish which animals have been sterilised. The goal of TNR is to stabilise the stray dog & cat population; and in time, reduce the feral animal population around the world.
Why do we care so much? TNR Reduces the stray population. Cats & dogs can reproduce extremely rapidly, leading to a huge amount of unwanted animals. This leads to overcrowded shelters and often high euthanasia rates.
A female cat can breed from 5 months old and in her first year can produce 18 off spring. Five years later and a single unneutered female could be responsible for a minimum of 43,700 offspring
TNR prevents unwanted litters, with the goal of curbing population growth
TNR Â provides animal health benefits. Neutered animals are less likely to spread diseases such as FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and FeLv (Feline Leukaemia Virus) which cause blindness & extreme suffering.
Neutering animals also reduces risk of various cancers and birth defectsTNR provides human health benefits. Reducing the risk of stray animals provides a Public Health Benefit. Rabies is a huge problem in many countries which can lead to the death of humans. The TNR process tackles this by reducing the sheer number of animals which could bite and pass on the disease, as well as vaccinating against the disease, preventing its existance in animals.TNR reduces abuse and cruelty. Animal population is a huge concern in countries world wide. If kind approaches like TNR are not used, other brutal methods are used to control numbers instead.
In Tunisia, the Government control stray dog numbers by shooting & poisoning. Shooters receive the equivalent of £1 per dog they shoot. Rescuers who have tried to save friendly street dogs from being shot have faced criminal charges.
Cats are poisoned or are beaten to death, Â hot fat/water is often thrown on them to deter them from coming back which leads to painful infections that lead to death
TNR improves behavioural issues. Neutered cats and dogs are less likely to roam, decreasing the chances of becoming injured in fights with other animals or hit by cars.  Males are also calmer and less territorial, meaning the don’t urinate to mark their territory.
Why do females scream during mating?
It is a well known that female cats scream, screech or becomes very aggressive during or just after mating. The noises can often be heard into the night in Tunisia, leading to complaints and acts of violence towards them.
But why do they make this noise?
Male cats have little barbs or spines on their penis. When inserted the spines lay flat, but when withdrawn the spines cause a raking action on the female cat’s vagina, causing pain. This combined with the Tom Cat biting on the females neck during mating, leads to a lot of pain for the female, who tries to swipe at the male.  (Yet another good reason, we think, to sterilise!)
How have RANA contributed to the TNR Effort?
80 cats have been sterilised thanks to donations
How can you help? Buy a sterilisation as a gift for an animal lover. Share our images on social media