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Today 4 rescued Tunisian street cats will enter the UK! How blooming exciting. Their lives with change beyond all recognition as they leave behind the stones, the posion and the starvation that is their lives on the streets.

Please welcome Tom, Alpha, Beta and Simba!

Alpha and Beta are still looking for their forever home, just in case anyone is interested in adopting 2 naughty female puss cats together!

Alpha and Beta were rescued as tiny kittens and had to be bottle fed for weeks, they are fighters with a lot of spirit!



TOM: is going to be a London boy!! We can't wait to see his happy pictures in his new home!

Handsome Simba is also going to be an indoor boy, a brother for the lovely Cleo who was adopted a few months ago.

After a rocky start, Lenny has now been adopted! Nothing makes us happier to know that this boy will have a stable loving home forever.

Lenny was hit by a car when he lived with his previous owners, sadly as they didnt insure him they were unable to pay his bills and he was returned before he was put to sleep.

Thankfully his new, wonderful parents kindly paid the £5000 vet bill which allowed his leg to be repaired before it fused and caused serious long term damage. We are aiming to pay them back every penny through fundraising and generous donations, if anyone can chip in, we would be so grateful.

Finding a home for a 6 month old, mischevious mixed breed is a hard task in itself, never mind adding in the surgery, expense and hassle of caring for him recovering.

We are very lucky they found Lenny.

If anyone would like donate you can send money to our PayPal or click on the donate tab.


If anyone is looking for something to bulk up their CV, occupy their spare time or just want to get involved with an animal charity- we would LOVE to hear from you!

We have so many job vacancies and are really flexible. We would just love to hear what skills you have, where you passions lie and how you think you could best add value. Be it out on the field, helping to catagorise animals on our summer rescue trips, tweeting about the good things we do, coordinating events, managing rehoming applciations... the list is endless!

We are a small charity who are passionate about what we do, we want to hear from like-minded people who love animals and want to help make the world a better place.

Email us at for a chat, love from Team RANA!

Michaela and Florence!

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